Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

SSNumb ( number )

Formats Social Security Number

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Mike Williamson   Mike Williamson
Custom Database Design

  Sample input:
SSNumb ( 123456789 )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Formats Social Security numbers in the format xxx-xx-xxxx. Results displays in red if improper number of numerical digits.



Barry Sommers   Barry Sommers, Staten Island NY
Apr 15, 2009
Unable to use the above calc code since it is for FM Advanced only. I am using "regular" FM 9.3. (Tried it... it won't work)

Do you have a calc code for auto formating SS numbers that will work with my version of FMP ???

Much appreciate any help you may offer.

Barry Sommers
John Leyman   John Leyman, John Leyman
Sep 20, 2011
You won't be able to make custom functions without FM Pro Advanced, but you can make a calculated field with the some formula:

NumOnly= Filter(number; "0123456789");

SSNumb = Left(NumOnly;3) &"-"
& Middle(NumOnly;4;2) &"-"
& Middle(NumOnly;6;4)

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