split ( string ; occurrence ; character )
Splits a string based on a character and returns the nth value
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David Snyder david at biosearchtech dot com david at biosearchtech dot com |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
This function will split up a string based on a character you specify and then return one of the values. Its a simple but useful way to get multiple parameters using FMP7's Get( ScriptParameter ) script step. Just call a script using "parameter1|parameter2|parameter n" and use this function to get the value you want.
Bryan Dam, Location Unknown Aug 22, 2012 |
This function, as written doesn't prooperly handle an occurrance that is greater than the number of actual occurrances in the string. Where it should return nothing it returns multiple values. Let( [ startPos = Position ( string ; character ; 1 ; occurrence - 1 ); endPos = Position ( string ; character ; 1 ; occurrence ); argLen = endPos - startPos; count = PatternCount ( string ; character ) ]; Case ( occurrence ≤ count ; Middle ( string ; startPos + 1 ; argLen - 1 ) ; occurrence = count + 1 ; Middle( string ; startPos + 1; Length ( string ) - startPos ); "" ) ) |
Alex Taylor, Vancouver, BC May 17, 2013 |
Here's a slightly updated function that takes multiple-length characters into account (I wrote this to be able to split on " OR " in search queries. Returns the occurence without the search characters. One situation this doesn't account for, though, is if your character occurs at the very start of the string (" OR search term"). Let( [ charLen = Length ( character ); startPos = Position ( string ; character ; 1 ; occurrence - 1 ); endPos = Position ( string ; character ; 1 ; occurrence ); argLen = endPos - startPos; count = PatternCount ( string ; character ) ]; Case ( occurrence = 1 ; Middle ( string ; startPos ; argLen - 1 ) ; occurrence ≤ count ; Middle ( string ; startPos + charLen ; argLen - charLen ) ; occurrence = count + 1 ; Middle( string ; startPos + charLen; Length ( string ) - startPos ); "" ) ) |
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