GetFieldList ( fieldName ; recordNumStart ; recordNumEnd )
Gets a Range of field values for local or related field
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Don Wieland - Show more from this author
DW Data Concepts |
when a field called color has these values:
Record 1 = Blue
Record 2 = Yellow
Record 3 = Blue
Record 4 = Red
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Gets a Range of field values for local or related field. Returns a hard return delineated list.
Duplicates will NOT be omited. The equililent to a TextSum that some FMP plug-ins offer.
Christian, Minneapolis Feb 17, 2011 |
Don, This function does not seem to behave as expected if the last field in the found set is null. For example, in a found set of 10 records, the "Nothing" field is all Null values. I would expect to have this Valuecount(getfieldlist(Table::Nothing, 1, get(foundcount))) to return "10" (for the the ten null values). Instead this returns 9. In fact, I've had some issues with this if ONLY the last field is Null. Any ideas? - Christian |
Thomas Seidler, London Jul 4, 2013 |
Didn't want to create new function entry, as this is basically the same. I use this all the time, but I only ever use it to obtain complete lists of all field values (including blank) for foundset. It will be a value list of the exact length of the foundset (carriage returns within values will have been escaped). And I use it for really large foundsets. So I switched it to tailend recursion to enable up to 50k, and created a handler function: GetFieldList ( fieldName ) ======= // Usage: GetFieldList ( Table::FieldName ) or GetFieldList ( GetField("Table::FieldName" ) ) GetFieldList_part ( fieldName ; 1 ; Get ( FoundCount ) ; "" ) ======= The sub-function: GetFieldList_part ( _fieldName ; _start ; _end ; _valueList ) ======= // Switched to tail end, 2012, Thomas Seidler - to allow 50k Let ( _thisVal = Substitute( GetNthRecord ( _fieldName ; _start ) ; "¶"; "\¶" ) ; If ( _start < _end ; GetFieldList_part ( _fieldName ; _start + 1 ; _end ; _valueList & _thisVal & "¶" ) ; _valueList & _thisVal & If(IsEmpty(_thisVal);"¶") ) ) |
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