Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

TotalList ( theList )

Add together all numbers in a text string

  Average rating: 4.5 (25 votes) Log in to vote

Geoff Wells   Geoff Wells
DataIsland Software LLC

  Sample input:
101 185
286 471
757 1228
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This function will total all the numbers contained within a text string and separated by a space or carriage return. Letters and punctuation are ignored. Input can be a text field or a function (such as Fibonacci) that outputs a list of numbers.



Andy Frazier   Andy Frazier, Mx4Px
Nov 18, 2009
This is a great function - used in conjunction with FoundList(), it eliminates the need for Summary fields if you just need the total of a found set of numbers.

However, by using the Word functions, it's dependent on FM's word separators...which, unfortunately in this case, includes the period. That means it will not correctly interpret numbers between 0 and 1 (.19 will be treated as 19, for example).

If you use Value functions, it corrects this problem. I realize that breaks the intent of being able to add up space-separated numbers, but thought it might be helpful to know:

Let ( Total = 0 ;

If (

ValueCount ( theList) > 1;

Total + GetAsNumber ( ( LeftValues ( theList; 1 ) ) ) +

TotalList ( RightValues ( theList; ValueCount( theList ) - 1) );

Total + GetAsNumber ( ( LeftValues ( theList; 1 ) ) )

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