GetFieldStat ( Function ; Field )
Do stats from values in a field or a value list
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Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Change the function to Min, Average, Sum or whatever the aggregate function needed.
You may work with a list of values with other separators than the "¶", just change this separator to match yours
Howard, Los Angeles Dec 20, 2012 |
It's a small thing, but I added a case() statement to mine, to check if there's only one value (in which case any of the aggregate functions will fail). Here's what mine looks like (sorry, I also changed the function and parameter names to better suit my needs...but you get the idea): // AggregateValues ( Function; Values ) Case( ValueCount(Values) <= 1; GetValue(values; 1); Evaluate ( Function & " ( " & Substitute ( Values ; "¶";";" ) & " )" ) ) |
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