Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

MonthsAhead ( StartDate ; Months )

Finds a future date by number of months ahead, correcting for months with differing numbers of days.

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Geoff Coffey   Geoff Coffey

  Sample input:
MonthsAhead ( "1/31/2005" ; 3)
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Months Ahead has a function that is kind of hard to explain. Imagine you have a rental situation, and you intend to bill monthly. Figuring out what date to bill each month is easy in most cases, but when the start date is near the end of the month, it can be tough. Often you want a rental that starts on Jan 31 to be billed on Feb 28, March 31, and April 30. You can get this effect using the MonthsAhead function.



Pedro Gallego   Pedro Gallego, Alien Solutions Consultants
Jan 11, 2019
Thanks a lot for that, it really helped.

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