UrlDecode ( text )
Decodes URL encoded text
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Jeremiah Small - Show more from this author
Soliant Consulting, Inc. https://www.soliantconsulting.com |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Decodes URL encoded text
Rakesh, Amsterdam Sep 13, 2012 |
Thanks for the great function, there should be a FM standard URLdecode function, but until then, this is great. Here is the full list I'm using in multiple parts since there 's a 1500 character reply limit. ["%0D";"¶"]; ["%20";" "]; ["%21";"!"]; ["%22";"\""]; ["%23";"#"]; ["%24";"$"]; ["%25";"%"]; ["%26";"&"]; ["%27";"'"]; ["%28";"("]; ["%29";")"]; ["%2A";"*"]; ["%2B";"+"]; ["%2C";","]; ["%2D";"-"]; ["%2E";"."]; ["%2F";"/"]; ["%3A";":"]; ["%3B";";"]; ["<";""]; ["%3D";"="]; [">";""]; ["%3F";"?"]; ["%40";"@"]; ["%5B";"["]; ["%5C";"\\"]; ["%5D";"]"]; ["%5E";"^"]; ["%5F";"_"]; ["%60";"`"]; ["%7B";"{"]; ["%7C";"|"]; ["%7D";"}"]; ["%7E";"~"]; ["%A0";" "]; ["%A1";"¡"]; ["%A2";"¢"]; ["%A3";"£"]; ["%A4";"¤"]; ["%A5";"¥"]; ["%A6";"¦"]; ["%A7";"§"]; ["%A8";"¨"]; ["%A9";"©" |
Rakesh, Amsterdam Sep 13, 2012 |
Part II ]; ["%C0";"À"]; ["%C1";"Ã"]; ["%C2";"Â"]; ["%C3";"Ã"]; ["%C4";"Ä"]; ["%C5";"Ã…"]; ["%C6";"Æ"]; ["%C7";"Ç"]; ["%C8";"È"]; ["%C9";"É"]; ["%CA";""]; ["%CB";"Ë"]; ["%CC";"ÃŒ"]; ["%CD";"Ã"]; ["%CE";"ÃŽ"]; ["%CF";"Ã"]; ["%D0";"Ã"]; ["%D1";"Ñ"]; ["%D2";"Ã’"]; ["%D3";"Ó"]; ["%D4";"Ô"]; ["%D5";"Õ"]; ["%D6";"Ö"]; ["%D7";"×"]; ["%D8";"Ø"]; ["%D9";"Ù"]; ["%DA";"Ú"]; ["%DB";"Û"]; ["%DC";"Ãœ"]; ["%DD";"Ã"]; ["%DE";"Þ"]; ["%DF";"ß"]; ["%E0";"à "]; ["%E1";"á"]; ["%E2";"â"]; ["%E3";"ã"]; ["%E4";"ä"]; ["%E5";"Ã¥"]; ["%E6";"æ"]; ["%E7";"ç"]; ["%E8";"è"]; ["%E9";"é"]; ["%EA";"ê"]; ["%EB";"ë"]; ["%EC";"ì"]; ["%ED";"Ã"]; ["%EE";"î"]; ["%EF";"ï"]; ["%F0";"ð"]; [&q |
Rakesh, Amsterdam Sep 13, 2012 |
looks like you need to replace '&qu ot' with ' " '. Don't think anyone needs these, but just incase. ["%30";"0"]; ["%31";"1"]; ["%32";"2"]; ["%33";"3"]; ["%34";"4"]; ["%35";"5"]; ["%36";"6"]; ["%37";"7"]; ["%38";"8"]; ["%39";"9"]; ["%41";"A"]; ["%42";"B"]; ["%43";"C"]; ["%44";"D"]; ["%45";"E"]; ["%46";"F"]; ["%47";"G"]; ["%48";"H"]; ["%49";"I"]; ["%4A";"J"]; ["%4B";"K"]; ["%4C";"L"]; ["%4D";"M"]; ["%4E";"N"]; ["%4F";"O"]; ["%50";"P"]; ["%51";"Q"]; ["%52";"R"]; ["%53";"S"]; ["%54";"T"]; ["%55";"U"]; ["%56";"V"]; ["%57";"W"]; ["%58";"X"]; ["%59";"Y"]; ["%5A";"Z"]; ["%61";"a"]; ["%62";"b"]; ["%63";"c"]; ["%64";"d"]; ["%65";"e"]; ["%66";"f"]; ["%67";"g"]; ["%68";"h"]; ["%69";"i"]; ["%6A";"j"]; ["%6B";"k"]; [" |
Rakesh, Amsterdam Sep 13, 2012 |
Code seems to get messed up a bit, so fix where needed like ["%41";"A"]; | ||
Philip, Dallas Aug 30, 2016 |
For best results, move the [ "%25" ; "%" ] to the bottom of the list. Otherwise, if there are any embedded %'s they may be re-interpreted as an additional escape sequence. | ||
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