Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

cf_getElementNo ( SearchString ; ElementList )

Get the line number of sought-after element in a list

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Klemens Müller   Klemens Müller - Show more from this author
Klemenso – The Efficientwaremaker

  Sample input:
cf_getElementNo( "gamma" ; "Alpha¶Beta¶Gamma¶Delta¶Epsilon" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Determines the number of first occurenc of the sought-after element in a list of elements



Oliver Reid   Oliver Reid
Feb 28, 2009
I believe this will not work if a an earlier list element contains a later one:



and you search for 'gamma'
Oliver Reid   Oliver Reid
Feb 28, 2009
On reflection I suggest this change:

fpos = Position( ¶&clist&¶ ; ¶&spos&¶ ; 1 ; 1 ) + Length( spos )+1 ;
John Jackson   John Jackson, Santa Rosa CA USA
Aug 22, 2010
This won't work if SearchString isn't in ElementList in the first place; it will return a value anyways.
John Jackson   John Jackson, Santa Rosa CA USA
Aug 22, 2010
Here's a revised version:
Parameters: element_list, search_string

Let( [
s_pos = Position ( ¶&element_list&¶ ; ¶&search_string&¶ ; 1 ; 1 ) ;
f_pos = s_pos + Length ( search_string ) - 1 ;
f_list = Middle ( element_list ; 1 ; f_pos ) ;
index = ValueCount ( f_list )
] ;
If ( s_pos ;
index ;
Edward Souza   Edward Souza, Sao Paulo, BR
Sep 12, 2010
Hello, all,

Well done, Mr. Jackson. Thanks for sharing. :-)

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