Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

CurrencyToText_SP ( Monto , Currency , Sufijo )

Converts Numbers to Text in Spanish (up to 18 digits)

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Ibrahim Bittar Torres   Ibrahim Bittar Torres - Show more from this author
Eikonsys, S.A. de C.V.

  Sample input:
CurrencyToText_SP ( 200.32 , "pesos" , "M.N."
  Sample output:
doscientos pesos 32/100 M.N.

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This custom function converts any number between 0 and 999,999,999,999,999,999 to text in spanish. It is specially useful to express invoice and check amounts in text.



Felipe Ake   Felipe Ake, Celaya
Apr 18, 2011
Muy buen aporte Gracias
Ignacio   Ignacio, Acapulco
Jun 28, 2013
Gracias por la función, justo lo que necesitaba, esta mega padre y funcional. Soy Novato de FM12.
Enrique Zavala   Enrique Zavala, Morelia
Sep 5, 2013
Gracias, funciona a la perfeccion, solamente le agregue M.N al final, todo lo demas muy bien.

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