Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

GetTextBetween ( text ; from ; to ; occurrence )

Gets the text between the nth "occurence" of string "from" and string "to"

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Ulf Carlsson   Ulf Carlsson - Show more from this author
Studentlitteratur AB

  Sample input:
GetTextBetween ( "abcdxfghdefg hfd", "d", "f", 2 )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Problem: You want to parse a html-file to extract some information
Solution: Use GetTextBetween!
A more advanced example:

Extract from a html-page:
Russell Crowe
Joaquin Phoenix
Djimon Hounsou
Connie Nielsen
Richard Harris
Derek Jacobi
Oliver Reed

GetTextBetween ( pageAbove ; "movies,,,\">", "", 5) = "Richard Harris"
GetTextBetween ( pageAbove ; "movies,,,\">", "", 3) = "Djimon Hounsou"



Bill S   Bill S, NY
Jun 9, 2014
I tried to parse the following HTML in order to get what is between the frist </ul> and the third <h2>. Unfortunatly i get the right result short of the closing ul tag. Do you know what i might be doing wrong?

<h2>Milwaukee 48-59-1812 Features</h2>
<ul><li>Charger compatible with M12 battery packs: 48-11-2401, 48-11-2402</li></ul>
<h2>Milwaukee 48-59-1812 Specifications</h2>
<ul><li>Model: 48-59-1812</li></ul>
<h2>Milwaukee 48-59-1812 Includes</h2>
<ul><li>(1) M18 and M12 Li-Ion Battery Charger</li></ul>

Any help would be greatly appreciated?
unix   unix, Japan
Nov 11, 2014
There is only one occurrence parameter, it is used for starting position.
So you can't use as 'the third <h2>'.
Add one more parameter to specify ending position, or change the place between 2 Position function.
Rich   Rich, Wales
Jun 26, 2015
Thanks for this, saved my a lot of effort
Ulf Carlsson   Ulf Carlsson, Lund
Jun 29, 2015

Remember that you can use more characters to get unique start and stop places. I would try having "</li></ul>
<h2>" as stop point.

best regards,
Ulf Carlsson   Ulf Carlsson, Lund
Jun 29, 2015
Hello again!

I have also in some cases first found the text i wanted by first finding a bigger surrounding text, when i got that, it was easier to find the text I wanted inside the fist text. Perhaps you can use that method?

Bert Duivestein   Bert Duivestein, Zwolle
Aug 28, 2017
Thanks! Works great to derive tags from a XML file.
Binu Alexander   Binu Alexander, ASC,
Aug 20, 2020
This is a great ! saved hours of my time.
Kevin B   Kevin B
Aug 18, 2022
How would I extract values where quotation marks are used in the search text?
Kevin B   Kevin B
Aug 18, 2022
How would I extract values where quotation marks are used in the search text?
Kevin B   Kevin B
Aug 18, 2022
Sorry...I figured it out with a "Substitute" function...

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