Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

TextToHTMLEntities ( theString )

converts a string into HTML entities

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Tom Catchesides   Tom Catchesides - Show more from this author
Tom Catchesides

  Sample input:
TextToHTMLEntities( "HTML does not like characters such as é & ô" )
  Sample output:
"HTML does not like characters such as é & ô"

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

HTML files can only contain a limited set of characters. This custom functions encodes special characters that fall outside this set into HTML entities which - when rendered in a browser - will display the special character.



Sean   Sean, Private
Jan 21, 2010
I would not replace every space with &nsp; as that just gets messy. It's double spaces you have to worry about. So turn [ " " ; " " ] ; into [ "  " ; "  " ]; which makes the second space a no-breaking space. There are also several issues with characters that may need to be escaped. You may not always want ¶, ", and & converted to an html entity. Just my 2¢.
Philip McGeehan   Philip McGeehan, SMD Ltd
Apr 7, 2020
I needed to add a condition for an apostrophe.
Because substitutions are preformed in the order they are listed - the ampersand must be the first condition!
If it was not the first condition:
"'" gets turned into "'" then "'" gets turned into "'"

Hopefully this will save other people getting as confused as I did!
Philip McGeehan   Philip McGeehan, SMD Ltd
Apr 7, 2020
"'" gets turned into "& apos ;" then "& apos ;" gets turned into "& amp ; apos ;"
(ignore the spaces above, they are added to stop them getting converted)

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