Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Operate ( Expression )

Evaluates expressions with sums, substractions, multiplications and divisions

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Ibrahim Bittar Torres   Ibrahim Bittar Torres - Show more from this author
Eikonsys, S.A. de C.V.

  Sample input:
Operate ( "A15" + 5 )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This simple function performs the 4 basic operations so you can use it as an autoenter calculation in a number field to enter not just numbers but operations between them. For example, if you want to input an initial balance in a number field you can input the actual number or the difference between Income and Outcome.

To avoid security issues with the evaluate function, it filters all values and keep only the numbers and the basic operators (+-*/).




Tim Cimbura   Tim Cimbura, LuminFire
Oct 23, 2011
This function may fail if you enter numbers with commas like $1,230+50.55. I changed the filter to remove commas and allow a few other math expressions.

Let (Final = Filter ( Expression ; "().+-*/^0123456789" ) ;
Evaluate ( Final ) )

This may then affect the ability to work in different countries.
Ibrahim Bittar   Ibrahim Bittar, Leon, Mexico
Oct 23, 2011
Hi Tim, thank you very much.


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