FormatAsPrice ( input ; separator ; currency ; Leading_1 )
text formatting
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Fabrice Nordmann - Show more from this author
1-more-thing |
FormatAsPrice ( ,329 ; "," ; " €" ; 0 )
-0.33 €
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Format a number as a real life pricestamp, to display on your layouts.
Lisa Clark, Santa Cruz CA Jul 8, 2014 |
Would love eto have this put in a thousands separator if the amount is > or = to 1000. And two separators it the amount is >= 1 million. |
Ann Goggin, Portland ME Aug 5, 2015 |
Can someone give an example that shows how to separate a number (example $1234) with the comma to denote thousands ($1,234)? Thank you! |
Fabrice Nordmann, 1-more-thing Aug 5, 2015 |
If it's for display only, the inspector allows you to choose the thousands separator. (Data inspector) If you want to do it by calculation to insert it in a text, it's a little bit more difficult. A hack is to use the layout formatting (as explained above), name the field object and get it's content using GetLayoutObjectAttribute ( "objectName" ; "content" ) Better is the use of NumToJText function: NumToJText ( yourNumberHere ; 1 ; 4 ) |
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