Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

ValidCode ( Code ; Type )

Calculates the check number of various types of codes

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Klaus-Dieter Bruegmann   Klaus-Dieter Bruegmann - Show more from this author
kade project

  Sample input:
ValidCode ( 978078973028 ; "ISBN" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

ValidCode calculates the checknumber of 13 digit codes like EAN 13 ( European Article Number ), ISBN 13 (International Standard Book Number), ISSN 13 (International Standard Serial Number), of 12 digit code UPC A (Universal Product Code) and also of the 8 digit codes EAN 8 and UPC E. If you leave the parameter "Type" empty or input is "ISBN" or "ISSN" it calculates the check number of a 13 digit code.



Grace   Grace, Melbourne
Sep 16, 2013
How do you custom edit this function to work with my table?
PhilModJunk   PhilModJunk, Modesto
Jan 7, 2014
This function trips an Error in FileMaker 13. Code is not permitted as a parameter name. I had to rename this parameter before I could define the funciton in my database.
Lars   Lars, Hagen / Germany
Jul 2, 2017

is there any update for the newer Filmmaker versions?

I have also the problem with type in filemaker 14

Many thanks
Eddie Albert   Eddie Albert
Jan 8, 2019
To work in newer FM, just substitute the word "code" with "barcode" in the formula. DO NOT change the word "TheCode"

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