VariablesFromObjects ( )
passes the content of all named objects on the layout to named variables
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Fabrice Nordmann - Show more from this author
1-more-thing |
field "A", named "field_A" that contains "1",
WebViewer named "wv_B" that contains "2",
text label named "lbl_C" that contains "3"
$$wv_B will contain "2"
$$lbl_C will contain "3"
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Load dynamically named global variables with the content of the named objects of the layout.
UPDATE : I would now recommend the use of CustomList, by Agnès Barouh :
Calculation would be :
CustomList ( 1 ; ValueCount ( LayoutObjectNames ( Get ( FileName ) ; Get ( LayoutName ))) ; "let ([ $o = getvalue ( LayoutObjectNames ( get ( fileName ) ; get ( layoutName )) ; [n] ) ; $c = getLayoutObjectAttribute ( $o ; \"content\" ) ]; VariablesLog ( $o ; $c ))")
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