EncryptDate ( TheDate )
Converts a date in a pseudo activation code format
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Ibrahim Bittar Torres - Show more from this author
Eikonsys, S.A. de C.V. http://www.eikonsys.com |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
This simple custom function converts a date into its number equivalent, i.e.: 02/04/2007 = 732711, and creates six groups of characters separated by dashes, where the last digit is the corresponding date number and the rest are random characters or numbers.
In this example check this out:
2qly7 -> 7
ru6g3 -> 3
s3p62 -> 2
twox7 -> 7
518h1 -> 1
3g821 -> 1
This CF does not pretend to be a "security feature" but for an end user who is not a FileMaker experienced programmer it can be very hard to guess what it means, so you can use it in low risk situations.
To get the date back just take the last digit of each group and then place them in a calculation with date result.
Have fun!!!
Note: these functions are not guaranteed or supported by BrianDunning.com. Please contact the individual developer with any questions or problems.