Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

VisiblePortalRows ( objName ; portalName )

Returns a list of visible row numbers of a portal

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Fabrice Nordmann   Fabrice Nordmann - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
VisiblePortalRows ( aField ; aPortal )
  Sample output:
4¶5¶6¶7¶8 if user scrolled down to row number 4 and the portal is displaying 5 rows.

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

No matter where the user scrolled, this function lets you know exactly what rows are visible.
The Objname parameter means you'll need to have a named object in the portal rows. The portal also has to be named.

FileMaker 8.5 required.



Jonathan Mickelson   Jonathan Mickelson
Aug 18, 2009
Great Custom Function, but I felt the chance for recursion failure due to missing object names really needed an explicit test and escape prior to running recursion. So I added the following lines to my version, perhaps this comment will help anyone else do it without having to re-invent this:

Case (
// Test for valid Object names
PatternCount ( LayoutObjectNames ( Get ( FileName ) ; Get ( LayoutName ) ) & ¶ ; objName & ¶ ) <= 0 ; "objName missing" ;
PatternCount ( LayoutObjectNames ( Get ( FileName ) ; Get ( LayoutName ) ) & ¶ ; portalName & ¶ ) <= 0 ; "portalName missing" ;
// Object names Exist, continue

... Continue existing Let () and add and ending ")" to close the above Case.
silba   silba, Chicago
Jan 28, 2013
Doesn't seem to work with FM12, getting a "?"
Worked great with FM11
justin   justin, Riverview NB
Nov 26, 2013
if you get a "?" try giving a object within the portal a name, that solved the problem for me on a similar portal Row Count CF

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