Numerology ( _Date )
Calculate numerology number for Birthday or date.
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Aleksandar Rubeša - Show more from this author doo |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Calculate numerology number for Birthday or date.
Also for people which haven't fpm advanced can find calculation field.
Example file:
Bill Doerrfeld, Everywhere Jul 11, 2011 |
It's fine to use Mod (Numbers, 9) for this with the understanding that if the actual digital root = 9 the Mod() equation will return 0. Simply insert a condition checking for this which returns 9 if the result is 0. Othwersie, those of us who are "nines" (myself included) come up as 0 which is not a nice thing to do to us... :) |
TSGal, Santa Clara, CA Nov 21, 2013 |
Or, Since this should result in a value from 1 to 9, subtract one (to get 0 to 8 with Mod) and then add one. Mod ((Day ( _Date ) + Month ( _Date ) + Year ( _Date ) - 1) ; 9) + 1 |
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