tabsFrontMost ( tabNames )
Returns a value list of object names of the tabs that are the front most tabs selected.
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Sean Walsh SolvEnterprises, LLC |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Returns a value list of object names of the tabs that are the front most tabs selected. Unlike other tab functions this function will look at tab panels that are side by side.
There are five sets of tab panels on a layout.
The 1st set has three tabs: Tab 1 A, Tab 1 B, Tab 1 C
The 2nd set has three tabs: Tab 2 A, Tab 2 B, Tab 2 C
The 3rd set has three tabs: Tab 3 A, Tab 3 B, Tab 3 C, this 3rd set is nested in the tab named 'Tab 2 B.'
The 4th set has three tabs: Tab 4 A, Tab 4 B, Tab 4 C, this 4th set is nested in the tab named 'Tab 2 C.'
The 5th set has three tabs: Tab 5 A, Tab 5 B, Tab 5 C, this 5th set is nested in the tab named 'Tab 4 C.'
All the following results are called using: tabsFrontMost ( tabsActive ( LayoutObjectNames ( Get ( FileName ) ; Get ( LayoutName ) ) ) )
If tab Panels 1 & 2 are both the front most tabs - returns 'Tab 1 A', and 'Tab 2 A'.
If tab panels 1 B, 2 B, 3 A are all the front most tabs - returns 'Tab 1 B', 'Tab 2 B', and 'Tab 3 A'
WilliamCB, London Jul 30, 2009 |
What about the case where Tab 5 B is frontmost? | ||
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