Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

cf_GetElement ( SearchString ; KeyList ; ElementList )

Find a value from a second list, based on a search of a key field in a first list.

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Gary Tate   Gary Tate
TGI Solutions

  Sample input:
cf_GetElement ( "06" ; "01¶02¶03¶04¶05¶06¶07¶08¶09¶10¶11¶12" ; "January¶February¶March¶April¶May¶June¶July¶August¶September¶October¶November¶December" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

I wrote this to dynamically build tool tips based on 3 possible values for a specific button. Each tool tip would have 2 values, Full and Minimum. A user preference would specify which level of tool tip to return (ie a user could decide to receive a long or short tool tip, or none at all). The tool tip for the button would then be set to supply the tool tip list (either Full or Minimum) a serias of tool tip headings, and the name of the tool tip to find (eg New Company). The tool tip name would then be looked up in the tool tip heading list and the appropriate tool tip returned.

Note it will fall over if your key list entries can be found in more than 1 place (in the example above "1" appears in 1, 10, 11 and 12)



Kamal Salah   Kamal Salah, Creative Art Design
Aug 26, 2020
Hi, i was looking for a simular function that if i have this string example without order.

Function (SearchString, input, output)

array 1 ="Banan" , "Banana is a fruite"
array 2 ="kiwi" , "Kiwi is a fruite"
array 2 ="RB" , "RB Means.... bla bla bla."

array 100 ="...etc"

Input string
String ="Banana Yellow 15kg ES RB"

-> "Banana"

<- "Banana is a fruit"

Anything you can recommend? Or how to do it?

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