Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

EnDeCoder ( Text ; Code2 )

Simple decoder and encoder in one

  Average rating: 4.1 (38 votes) Log in to vote

Charles Garr   Charles Garr
cgarr software

  Sample input:

it works great.. try for yourself... even "¶¶" will show don't need a decoder and a encoder..
This both in one....
  Sample output:
it works great.. try for yourself... even "¶¶" will show don't need a decoder and a encoder..
This both in one....


  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This function takes any text string encoded with the EnDeCoder function and decodes or encodes it based on the position of the Characters in the "alpha" string. To work properly both the alpha string and Code2 field in reverse order must contain all the letters present in Text. in order for the paragraph returns to work keep them in the front of the code. Obviously you must use the same code to decode as you used to encode.

I use 3 fields my app. called .. input , Code2 and Output
the key is the Code2 field (global txt)

Code2= ¶ `~!1@se3#©4y%w5j6&7q8(9)_"-:=;’}b]'.,g|hp^klrtu{ioz*xcv+n0\m$

thanks to :
Geoff Wells, DataIsland Software LLC ..



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