Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

FTPUpload ( URL ; user ; password ; directory ; file ; localdirectory ; localfile )

Function to Upload file using curl and applescript

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Alan Deffenderfer   Alan Deffenderfer - Show more from this author
ABD Enterprises

  Sample input:
FTPUpload ( URL ; user ; password ; directory ; file ; localdirectory ; localfile )
  Sample output:
do shell script "curl -T /Users/yourhome/Desktop/yourlocalfile.txt"

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Use the perform applescript script step with this function to perform ftp uploads. I use globals/variables that reference my paths/filenames and your username/password.



Xavi   Xavi, Barcelona, Spain
Jan 10, 2012
Does it works with windows? or it's only Mac?
Richard   Richard, Portland, OR
Jan 20, 2012
Keep getting "expected "" but found unknown token" error. Can't find a solution online.
Jim Calhoun   Jim Calhoun, Chicago
Aug 13, 2012
Will this work with windows?
lassoguy   lassoguy,
Nov 26, 2012
This is a Mac only solution. Does not work with Windows.
Valentin   Valentin, Ithaca, NY
Dec 10, 2013
Thank you for this great tool! I just used it successfully, very helpful! It seems that curl has a problem with white spaces though, i. e. if you have a folder or file with a safe in the name you will get the error Richard mentioned above. the solution is to put the entire local folder and file path in single quotes.
So add a single quote ( ' ) w/o the parenthesis right after " curl -T ' " and before ftp.. " ' ftp://...".
That should make it universal for every file and folder!


Use the perform applescript script step with this function to perform ftp uploads. Set globals/variables that reference your paths/filenames and username/password and pass these to the function.

Alan @ ABD


"do shell script \"curl -T '" &

Case( not IsEmpty( localdirectory );

localdirectory )

& localfile & "' ftp://" & user & ":" & password & "@" & URL & "/" &

Case( not IsEmpty(directory);

directory & "/")

& file & "\""
Bryan   Bryan, USA
Apr 10, 2014
How to Set globals/variables that reference your paths/filenames and username/password and pass to the function.

"do shell script \"curl -T '" &

Case( not IsEmpty( localdirectory );

localdirectory )

& localfile & "' ftp://" & user & ":" & password & "@" & URL & "/" &

Case( not IsEmpty(directory);

directory & "/")

& file & "\""
Ingo   Ingo, Vienna/Austria
Apr 7, 2015
It works great. Thanks!
Brian McIntosh   Brian McIntosh, Korora
Jan 23, 2016
I want to run this script/function scheduled on Filemaker Server. What needs to be done with the local directory for FMS to be able to access the file for upload. I am led to believe that FMS can not access the Desktop of the server for files.
Nick   Nick, Sussex UK
Feb 25, 2016
The best way to ensure that type of script using CURL under Applescript or Windows events works as expected is to use the Filemaker function GetAsURLEncoded () encode the inputs, then characters which are illegal in a URL will not stop your Curl command from functioning.

A second useful item when debugging CURL is this form which returns to you what the FTP server received:

curl --trace -n -v -ssl -l ftp://<username>:<password>@<svr IP address>/<folder>/<file.html>

In DeskspaceCMS, we trap for an error on upload and if one occurs we pass the output of this CURL command back to the user in a dialogue so they can work out where they went wrong.

Nick Lightbody: Sussex UK
Alan Deffenderfer   Alan Deffenderfer, ABD Enterprises
Feb 25, 2016
I wrote this Mac Only custom function over ten year ago and posted almost that long ago. I'm glad some of you have found it helpful.

When I get some time in the coming weeks, I'll update it based on the comments above. Thanks for all the feedback.

Alan @ ABD

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