Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

QuarterHour ( theTime )

Converts time to the quarter hour

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Jim Mitchell   Jim Mitchell - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
QuarterHour( 1:54 PM )
  Sample output:
2:00 PM

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Calculates the quarter-hour equivalents of hourly time for payroll type uses.

Works great as an Auto-Enter Calculation (replacing the contents) when using time fields



Kyle Williams   Kyle Williams, Augusto Digital
Aug 10, 2020
Here is another variant that might calculate a little faster.. I imagine using the mod function could help simplify this function even more..

tm = theTime
;n = GetAsNumber(tm)
;sec = tm/3600
;Ttm = Truncate((tm/3600); 0)
;hr = Hour(tm)

n > 0 and sec - Ttm >= 0 and sec - Ttm < .13; GetAsTime(hr & ":00");
n > 0 and sec - Ttm >= .13 and sec - Ttm < .38; GetAsTime(hr & ":15");
n > 0 and sec - Ttm >= .38 and sec - Ttm < .63; GetAsTime(hr & ":30");
n > 0 and sec - Ttm >= .63 and sec - Ttm < .88; GetAsTime(hr & ":45");
n > 0 and sec - Ttm >= .88 and sec - Ttm < 1; GetAsTime(hr + 1 & ":00")
Paul   Paul, Peak 14 LLC
Feb 25, 2022
Was looking for this online and decided to make it with Mod(). You can do this with a 1 liner:

theTime - Mod ( theTime; 3600 ) + Round ( Mod ( theTime; 3600 ) / 900; 0 ) * 900

It's quite simple though and doesn't do any error trapping. I made this into a Custom Function that does that and lets you define what you want to round it to:

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