ProprDName ( _NameFld ; _Cntr )
Calculates proper Dutch name
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Henk Wijtman - Show more from this author |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Custom function to calculate a proper Dutch name. In the Netherlands middlenames often have 'van 't' or 'van d'r'. And there are also a lot of double first names like 'Henk-Jan' or 'Jan-Willem'. In order to input the name in a proper way to prevent future problems I wrote this recursive function.
If exeptional names have to be entered you can write the '!' character in front of the name and it will be untouched.
Static parameters '_NamSrc' and '_Antl' are placed inside the function but can be placed outside as function parameters. In this way the function becomes even smaller and faster.
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