Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

MaxNumVal ( TheList )

Evaluates Maximum Numeric Value of a List of VAlues

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Christian Jäger   Christian Jäger

  Sample input:
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Max(1;2;3;6) gets the Max. Pity, FileMaker Inc does not yoet recognizes the "¶" Separator in Functions automatically.
European Users: use comma in the Filter Part



Vaughan   Vaughan, Sydney, Australia
Jun 6, 2011
Hello Christian, thanks for posting this. I didn't use the custom function, but I used your method in a calculation field. It has worked ver well.
John Weinshel   John Weinshel, Vashon, WA USA
Jul 7, 2014
Thank you, Christian. Very clean and useful.
John Davis   John Davis, Houston
Aug 19, 2015
Fails with negative numbers. But simple fix, though. Just simply add a "-" in the Filter characters. Then evaluates properly. Fixed code:


Evaluate("Max(" & x &")"))
John Davis   John Davis, Houston
Aug 19, 2015
I used your same calculation method for a minimum values custom function. Easy conversion. Be sure to add the "-" in the Filter characters to fix the incompatibility bug with negative numbers.

Find the minimum numeric value from a list of values:

MinNumVal ( TheList )


Evaluate("Min(" & x &")"))
John Davis   John Davis, Houston
Aug 19, 2015
The html screwed up the calculation above. Let's try it again:

MinNumVal ( TheList )


Evaluate("Min(" & x &")"))

You get the idea. Just switch out Min for Max and be sure to add a "-" character in the Filter characters to properly evaluate negative numbers.
Oct 10, 2017
It fails if "TheList" contains only one Value. You need to trap for it
Paul   Paul, Peak 14 LLC
Nov 4, 2021
Also fails if there are null values in the list. I went ahead and created my own CF to fix some of these issues listed here. You can see if here:

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