Static_Length ( FillChar ; Len ; String ; LR_Flag )
Turns any string to a fixed length adding Leading or Trailing Char
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Antonios M. Kesmetzis - Show more from this author |
Static_Length ( * ; 15 ; 10.0102 ; 1)
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
String: Any number or text
FillChar: Any character to fill
Len: The desired legth of the resulted string
LR_Flag: When its value is 1 the number is padded Left, i.e. Leading chars are added
When its value is 2 the number is padded Right, i.e. Trailing chars are added
The functions returns a string of fixed length, defined by Len, with Leading or Trailing chars, defined by FillChar
and the value of LR_Flag
If the Length of the String exceeds Len the string unaltered is returned
Note: these functions are not guaranteed or supported by Please contact the individual developer with any questions or problems.