Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

DateRange ( StartDate ; EndDate ; RangeLimit )

Creates a multi-key field containing a range of dates.

  Average rating: 3.9 (41 votes) Log in to vote

Andrew Persons   Andrew Persons

  Sample input:
DateRange ( "1/1/2005" ; "1/5/2005" ; 10 )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Takes a start date and an end date and creates a text multikey field containing a list of all the dates in that range, inclusive.



Jerry Salem   Jerry Salem, Comcast
Mar 23, 2011
In my experience this function only works if you replace all StartDate references with getasdate(StartDate), and replace all occurrences of EndDate with getasdate(EndDate)

(Both Mac/PC and FM9-11)
Kan   Kan, New York
Mar 27, 2014
I have 2 form in 1st form there is Start date and end date
and second form has a date
I want to enter start date and end date and find the date in second table and find the appropate record of that date

Thank you
Troy Thomas   Troy Thomas, Australia
Nov 5, 2017
This custom function does not work (at least for me), it would be great if someone could revamp it for version 16.
Steve   Steve, Lancaster
Apr 25, 2018
I added this to the calc:

Let (
StartDate = GetAsDate ( StartDate ) ;
EndDate = GetAsDate ( EndDate )
] ;
original cf formula here...

and it worked in FM16

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