ListFieldBounds ( Field_Names )
When given the result of FieldNames() as a parameter, returns a pipe-delimited list with the field bounds of each field in the list.
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Colin Keefe IT Solutions Consulting, Inc |
_kf_ContactID__Purchaser|138 42 217 56 0
DateCompleted|138 60 259 74 0
DateStarted|138 78 259 92 0
Description|138 96 391 110 0
Height|138 114 391 128 0
Length|138 132 391 146 0
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Title|138 168 391 182 0
Width|138 186 391 200 0
zz__CreationTimeStamp|138 204 379 218 0
zz__Creator|138 222 391 236 0
zz__ModificationTimeStamp|138 240 379 254 0
zz__Modifier|138 258 391 272 0
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
When given the result of FieldNames() as a parameter, returns a pipe-delimited list with the field bounds of each field in the list - i.e. each field on the specified layout and their bounds.
This may be useful to somebody somewhere; I originally wrote it while exploring methods for determining which field the cursor's hovering over, in conjunction with a plugin - for returning FieldComments in a Tooltip.
You could also feed it a custom-specified list of field names, not just use FieldNames() as the parameter.
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