Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

RomanNumberal_1to4K ( Parameter_number )

Returns a Roman Numeral up to 3,999

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Brad Lowry   Brad Lowry
Brad Lowry Consulting

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  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This allows you to take any poisitive integer value and return the equivelent Roman Numeral (up to 3,999).

For this submission Ichose to included validation error text, in actual use I might just leave the results empty when not valid, or alternately make it valid by truncating anything beyond 4000, truncating decimals and taking the absolute value of the input.

It is my understanding that 4000 and beyond require special characters so that was not attempted. I am pretty confident in my method, but not in my the exacting values for Roman Numeral results thus error reports would be welcomed.



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