Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

CaseStatus ( theText )

Determines if text is all upper case, all lower case, or mixed case (ignoring non a-Z chars)

  Average rating: 4.8 (32 votes) Log in to vote

Michael Pease   Michael Pease

  Sample input:
CaseStatus ( "123 e. 4th" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Useful for checking entry data such as names and addresses. Effectively ignores numbers and punctuation.



Will Loving   Will Loving, Dedication Technologies, Inc.
Aug 23, 2010
The function needs an additional Case condition to check that the field itself is not empty, otherwise it returns a "U" for empty fields.
Tim Cimbura   Tim Cimbura, LuminFire
Oct 29, 2011
Very useful. Here's an updated version with more options.

/* Determines the status of a text string as Empty, Upper, Numbers Only, Lower, or Mixed case.
May return "Upper" if no a-Z characters are found.
Used the fact that the Substitute function is case sensitive */

Case (
theText=""; "Empty";
Filter ( theText; "0123456789") <> "" and Filter ( theText; "+-*/_.,()") <> ""; "Numbers Only"; // Phone number or calc
Substitute ( theText ; Upper ( theText ) ; "" ) = "" ; "Upper" ;
Substitute ( theText ; Lower ( theText ) ; "" ) = "" ; "Lower" ;
"Mixed" // for "mixed case"

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