Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

fnSetGlobalVar ( Name ; Value )

Dynamically sets a global variable with a single script line.

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Rob Poelking   Rob Poelking - Show more from this author
Kiza Solutions

  Sample input:
fnSetGlobalVar ( "myVar"; "myValue" )
  Sample output:
$$myVar = myValue

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Allows the user to set dynamic global vars without having to explicitly script a named variable. So you can have a single line script set variable [$var] pass the parameters and create a global var on the fly or destroy it by passing the name with no value. I needed to declare a global variable in a different file and did not want to script just for that single variable. I wanted something I could reuse as needed



Vaughan Bromfield   Vaughan Bromfield
Apr 23, 2010
Rob, I have taken the liberty to change the function to allow the repetition to also be specified. My changes also have it return the evaluation error code s the function result.

Many thanks for an excellent cf.

--- begin

// SetGlobalVar ( name ; repetition ; value )
// Author: Rob Poelking
// Date: 20080613
// Modified by Vaughan Bromfield to specify the repetition.
// The function returns the error result from the evaluationn operation
// which is zero when there is no error.
// This function does not check that the variable name is valid
// other than filtering out non-alphanumeric characters.

Let ( 

nameclean = Filter( name ; "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890" ) ;
repetitionclean = Int( GetAsNumber( repetition ) )
] ; 

EvaluationError( Evaluate ( "Let ( $$" & nameclean & "[" & Max( repetitionclean ; 1 ) & "] = " & Quote ( Value )  & "; 0 )" ) )

) // end let

/* Notes: Allows the user to set dynamic global vars without having to explicitly script a named variable. So you can have a single line script set variable [$var] pass the parameters and create a global var on the fly or destroy it by passing the name with no value. I needed to declare a global variable in a different file and did not want to script just for that single variable. I wanted something I could reuse as needed. */

--- end
Rob Poelking   Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Apr 23, 2010
Very good, I had actually done this myself already. I just hadn't updated this. However, I've started using a set of functions from Fabrice Nordmann for keeping a log of variables. VariablesLog, VariablesResetAll and LoadVariablesFromLog. They're very powerful and I highly recommend them.

Nevertheless, this is still a great function for what it does. Thanks.

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