Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

cf_MacPath_AppleScriptPath ( _path )

Formatting from Mac path to AppleScript path

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Edward Souza   Edward Souza
Duana A. S. Designs

  Sample input:
_path = PowerBook/Users/Music/Audios/44kHz_by_24bit/I Love You.mp3
  Sample output:
"I Love You.mp3" of folder "44kHz_by_24bit" of folder "Audios" of folder "Music" of folder "Users" of "PowerBook"

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

My challenges:
- I am rather new to FileMaker;
- I'm developing a solution that requires AppleScript scripting to access external files and data (each record has an unique path embedded, and so far the solution has about 43030 records)
- Needed to change the Mac formatted path into Applescript format;
- Was doing it via loop script steps, but knew it could be done with a recursive custom function

Some time ago, I left in here a FM script (quite asinine, I know), hoping someone would spend some time into it and perhaps turn it into a recursive custom function. No one seemed interested, hence I decided to try it myself.
The cf is quite straightforward; the variable "_path" is a Mac or Unix formatted path, and the result is something an AppleScript will understand. Please feel free to improve it, if you wish.



unix   unix, Japan
Feb 22, 2015
You don't need to convert it, use unix path in Applescript like as
posix file "/PowerBook/Users/Music/Audios/44kHz_by_24bit/I Love You.mp3"

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