Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

TypeSumField ( TypeField ; Type ; SumField ; Counter )

Sum a numeric field for records where another field matches input value.

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Bruce Robertson   Bruce Robertson - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Sum a numeric field specified by SumField across multiple records, for records where field specified as TypeField matches a value such as "Labor" or "Parts". If you enter "Total" as the type then you get a total for all records.

Another example:
Let( RC = count(Invoice_Items::InvoiceID);
"Labor: " & TypeSumField(
"Parts: " & TypeSumField(
"Total: " & TypeSumField(



Chris   Chris, Happyville
Apr 22, 2011
Hello, thanks for providing this custom function. However, I don't understand what the counter is for?

How can I use the script without providing a counter?
Bruce Robertson   Bruce Robertson
Mar 4, 2012
As written, you can't use it without a counter. The instructions and example both show how to use the counter; which is either the count of related records or found count depending on how you are using the function. The function collects data by capturing data from the last record and iterating down to the first.

Jerome   Jerome, Milan
Oct 29, 2014
Using the function, it runs properly at first.
However, havgin experimented with it, gradually adding groups of records, it stops adding to the sums, somewhere between 91 and 113 records.
Clayton King   Clayton King
Sep 20, 2021
Is this function supported in FM19? I'm a total noobie at custom functions, so not sure what I'm doing... I've pasted the definition above into the the custom function dialog in FM, but I get an error that "The specified parameter cannot be found" referring to the counter ("Case(counter;).
Bruce Robertson   Bruce Robertson
Sep 20, 2021
It works fine in 19. You need to learn how to use the custom function dialog and the tool it contains for entering parameters. Tutoring you on that is beyond the scope of what I can do in a reply.

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