Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

FastTimeInput ( _Time )

Fast time input

  Average rating: 4.2 (38 votes) Log in to vote

Paul Sazonov   Paul Sazonov

  Sample input:
FastTimeInput ( 802 )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

I think it's a little bit comfortable solusion to make your hand fly only above NUMPAD. So you can focus on numbers with no colon-timeouts.

(c) Mezzo



Carl Riedel   Carl Riedel, Curator Contender
May 26, 2010
On FMPro 11 Adv FastTimeInput(802)= 802:00
Mike Ahern   Mike Ahern, Ft Washington
Sep 5, 2013
I took this and modified as follows: Added the ability to test for AM & PM in field, as well as allow for glitch when entering in a single digit it would enter it as seconds instead of hours.
//Altered to test for AM & PM
[ TimeFld = Filter ( _Time ; 1234567890 ) ;
TimeLngth = Length ( TimeFld );
TimePM = PatternCount(_Time;"PM") or PatternCount(_Time;"pm") ;
Timeadd = If(TimePM ≥ 1;12;0)
] ;
TimeLngth = 3 ;
"0" & Left ( TimeFld ; 1 )+Timeadd & ":" & Right ( TimeFld ; 2 ) ;
TimeLngth = 4 ;
Left ( TimeFld ; 2 )+Timeadd & ":" & Right ( TimeFld ; 2 ) ;
_Time+Timeadd & ":00"
Andrew   Andrew
Jul 22, 2015
The last line is wrong.
_Time+Timeadd & ":00"
Should be
TimeFld+Timeadd & ":00"
Peter   Peter, Australia
Aug 26, 2015
New to this concept of custom functions excuse my newbie question exactly how would one implement this to an existing field?. DI have to change timefld to the field I want to fast input?
Andreas   Andreas, Sweden
May 25, 2016
Great function.

If it's not clear, you can implement this by change "TimeFld" to "Self" and in the Field Management input this funcion as an Calculated Value (preferrably with replace existing value so you're able to change it as well).
Tim Cimbura   Tim Cimbura, LuminFire
Sep 18, 2022
The pm entry fails on 12:05 pm. It turns it to 12:05 am.

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