Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

FormatPercent ( Number ; Decimals )

Formats a number as a percentage text string with specified number of decimal places

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Will Loving   Will Loving - Show more from this author
Dedication Technologies, Inc.

  Sample input:
FormatPercent ( .4587 ; 1 )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Formats a number value as a percentage in a text string with the specified number of decimal places, from 0 to 10. Useful for calculated text strings that need to include a formatted percentage.

17 Jan 2011 - modified to address issue noted by Jeremiah Hammond.



Jeremiah Hammond   Jeremiah Hammond, Indianapolis
Jan 17, 2011
The current version (as of 01/17/2011) fails with the following input: FormatPercent( .1304 ; 1 ). It'll return 1300% instead of 13.0%. The issue has to do with the ending case statement, where the rounded percent - integer of the rounded percentage happens to equal 0, instead of some decimal (say: 13.0 - 13). The function will attach zeros to the whole number portion of the percentage without a decimal.

Here's a fixed version of the function:

Case ( Decimals = 0 or IsEmpty ( Decimals ) ; Int ( Round ( Number * 100 ; 0 ) ) ;
Int ( Round( Number * 100 ; Decimals ) ) &
Case ( ( Number * 100 ) = Int ( Number * 100 ) ; Left ( ".0000000000" ; Decimals + 1 ) ;
Round ( Number * 100 ; Decimals ) - Int( Round ( Number * 100 ; Decimals ) ) = 0 ; Left ( ".0000000000" ; Decimals + 1 ) ;
Left ( Round ( Number * 100 ; Decimals ) - Int( Round ( Number * 100 ; Decimals ) ) & "0000000000" ; Decimals+1 ) ) )
& "%"
Tom R.   Tom R., Denver
May 9, 2012
It would be cool if this could be modified to accept a minimum decimal and a maximum decimal parameter, where the minimum would be used in cases where the number is an integer and max is for a non-integer. E.g. I'd prefer to display "50%" or "50.00%" rather than "50.000000%", but if the numeber is non integer I would want to see 6 decimal places, such as "3.056214%".
Will Loving   Will Loving, Dedication Technologies, Inc.
May 9, 2012
Tom - To achieve the result you are looking for, simply replace the first "Result" text - Left ( ".0000000000" ; Decimals + 1 ) - in the second Case statement (3rd line of the calculation) with empty quotes.
tom   tom, ShiftPoint
May 9, 2012
Thanks, Will. I'll give it a try.

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