cf_CMYK2RGB ( Cyan ; Magenta ; Yellow ; Black )
Convert CMYK colour values to a similar RGB values.
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Andrew Mallison - Show more from this author |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Name: cf_CMYK2RGB ( Cyan; Magenta; Yellow; Black )
Created: Andrew Mallison 5 Nov 2008
Purpose: To convert CMYK colour values to a similar RGB equivalent. This can be used to display what this colour would look like on screen in FileMaker.
Cyan = Percentage of Cyan colour 0-100
Magenta = Percentage of Magenta colour 0-100
Yellow= Percentage of Yellow colour 0-100
Black = Percentage of Black colour 0-100
Field name might be "CMYK_to_RGB_lct" with the following calculation.
Sample Input:
cf_CMYK2RGB ( 0; 20; 100; 12 )
Sample Output:
224; 180; 0
This can then be used to display some text in the colour.
Red=MiddleWords ( CMYK_to_RGB_lct ; 1 ; 1 );
Green=MiddleWords ( CMYK_to_RGB_lct ; 2 ; 1 );
Blue=MiddleWords ( CMYK_to_RGB_lct ; 3 ; 1 )
TextColor ( "☁" ; RGB ( Red ; Green ; Blue ) )
c = If(Cyan=0;0;Cyan/100);
m = If(Magenta=0;0;Magenta/100);
y = If(Yellow=0;0;Yellow/100);
k = If(Black=0;0;Black/100);
r = 1 - (c * (1 - k)) - k;
g = 1 - (m * (1 - k)) - k;
b = 1 - (y * (1 - k)) - k;
red = Round(r * 255;0);
green = Round(g * 255;0);
blue = Round(b * 255;0)
red & "; " & green & "; " & blue
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