Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

GetFileName ( FullName )

Extracts Filename from the Full Path Name

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William Donelson   William Donelson

  Sample input:
file:../../Documents and Settings/Bill/My Documents/Book1.pdf
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Extracts Filename from the Full Path Name

Dependencies : None



Bernhard Schulz   Bernhard Schulz, Salzburg/Austria
Oct 9, 2009
Function above is wrong. This works for me:
[ Delimiter = "/";
Counter = PatternCount ( FullName ; Delimiter ) ];

Counter = 0 ; FullName ;
Counter > 30 ; "ERROR: too many directories" ;
getFileName ( Right ( FullName; Length(FullName) - Position ( FullName; Delimiter; 1; 1) ) )

David   David
Jan 25, 2010
What about this (makes it non recursive):

Delimiter = "/";
Counter = PatternCount(FullName;Delimiter);
Parts = Substitute(FullName;"/";"¶")

Counter = 0; FullName;
Counter > 30; "Error: too many directories";

Michael   Michael, Austin
Oct 7, 2010
Love the last version of this custom formula, but one question. What is the purpose of setting a value for Delimiter? Doesn't replacing the word Delimiter with "/" achieve the same results?
Sean   Sean, Private
Mar 3, 2011
How about this:

getFileName ( file )

Right ( file ; Length ( file ) - Position ( file ; "." ; 1 ; PatternCount ( file ; "." ) ) )

Non-recursive and it doesn't matter how many directories there are.
Sean   Sean, Private
Mar 3, 2011
Sorry, that was for my get extension function.

getFileName ( path )

Right ( path ; Length ( path ) - Position ( path ; "/" ; 1 ; PatternCount ( path ; "/" ) ) )
Ben S-W   Ben S-W, London
Jan 16, 2014
Thanks David Tampa your script (underneath) worked for me all i needed to do was replace FullName with the name of my field containing the file path.
I have been working with text find and replace for hours before I decided to use FM Pro. Wish I started there!

Delimiter = "/";
Counter = PatternCount(FullName;Delimiter);
Parts = Substitute(FullName;"/";"¶")

Counter = 0; FullName;
Counter > 30; "Error: too many directories";
Matt Larson   Matt Larson
Aug 18, 2015
Here's one that will handle an unlimited number of directories and file paths (uses recursion):

GetFileName(FilePaths; Iteration)


i = If(not IsEmpty(Iteration); Iteration; 1);
~Path = GetValue(FilePaths; i);
~Name = Right(~Path; Length(~Path) - Position(~Path; "/"; 1; PatternCount(~Path; "/")))

i ≤ ValueCount(FilePaths);
If(i > 1; "¶") & ~Name & GetFileName(FilePaths; i + 1)

Louis Benainous   Louis Benainous, Berkeley, CA
Mar 3, 2017
Here's my calculation field where you would need to replace "FullPath" with the field name of the full path that you are using -- critique welcome:

Right ( FullPath ; Length ( FullPath ) - Position ( FullPath ; "/" ; 1 ; PatternCount ( FullPath ; "/" ) ) )

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