Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

AscIIToBase64 ( string )

Convert text AscII To Base64

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Roberto   Roberto - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
Misterious text in mail attach
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

please find google "convert Ascii to base64"



Theo Gantos   Theo Gantos, Burton, MI
Jan 23, 2009
I think we need to transpose this from Italian into English, not that I am a language snob, but almost every algorithm I've seen shown in pseudocode by convention use an English grammar. It would be nice to have someone volunteer to test it. I wonder which Base64 algorithm this implements, looks like the basic MIME encoding, which has invalid characters for URL encoding (/). Finally, it would be great to do the same with the decode function, also posted in Italian.
Peter Wagemans   Peter Wagemans, Lesterius
Apr 27, 2009
1. Change the config of your FileMaker to Italian
2. Copy and paste the custom function
3. Change the config of your FileMaker back to English

Sorry, cannot post the translation, this comment form is limited.
Stephane Bedon-Rouanet   Stephane Bedon-Rouanet, Paris, France
Oct 20, 2009
Great function!
But as it manages only ASCII, it doesn't encode properly accented characters, such as the ones used in French or German language (à â ë é è ê ï, and so on).

I couldn't manage to add those special characters, so I modified the code to convert them to plain ASCII before applying Base64 encoding.

I added 1 line after "Let([" :
$str = Replace2(string; ["à"; "a"]; ["â"; "a"]; ["ä"; "a"]; ["é"; "e"]; ["è"; "e"]; ["ê"; "e"]; ["ë"; "e"]; ["î"; "i"]; ["ï"; "i"]; ["o"; "o"]; ["ô"; "o"]; ["ö"; "o"]; ["ù"; "u"]; ["u"; "u"]; ["û"; "u"]; ["ü"; "u"]; ["ÿ"; "y"]);

Then I changed all other occurrences of "string" to "$str" in the code.

Not a perfect solution, but it works.
If someone coded a better one, I'll be glad to hear of it! ;-)
stephane (charat) ile (chardot) fr
Jerry Salem   Jerry Salem, Comcast
Sep 21, 2012
if I take a string, and encode it to Base 64 using this function, and recode it to Ascii using the companion function, the resulting string has extra spaces on the end. :(
Pasquale   Pasquale, Milano
Apr 29, 2018
The code's keywords are all translatend in italian.
This code is unusable without an italian version of Filemaker.

I'm italian, but I use standard english language keywords.

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