Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

IsValidEmailFormatƒ ( _email )

Validate email address

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Michael Rhodes   Michael Rhodes
Allied Data Service

  Sample input:
IsValidEmailFormatƒ ( "" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)


Since the number of top-level domains increases over time, this function assumes the top-level domain is legitimate and prohibits invalid email formats caused by other data entry error.

Returns 1 if the parameter is a correctly formatted email address.



Benka   Benka, Rennes, France
Jun 3, 2009
Hello Michael

Thanks for this very usefull function.

Little bug : return true return true

text@text.c return true

text@text.text return true

here is a list of top level domain
Michael   Michael, Rancho Cuamonga, CA
Jul 13, 2009

I have revised the function to address the first two conditions and more.

The remaining conditions are not supposed to be tested by this function. As the comments state, because top level domains can be added in the future, this function assumes the top level domain is legitimate. The alternative would require all distributed solutions using the function to be updated every time ICANN decides to add another TLD. However, if that's what you prefer, you can use IsValidEmail, which I have also posted just in case.
Jack James   Jack James, London, UK
Jun 22, 2010
An apostrophe (’) is a valid email address character
Andreas Thyholdt   Andreas Thyholdt, dbConsult AS
Oct 6, 2010

return true
Andreas Thyholdt   Andreas Thyholdt, dbConsult AS
Oct 6, 2010
The above is fixed with this additional clause:

and IsEmpty ( Filter ( Left ( text; 1 ) & Right ( text; 1 ); "." ) ) // . symbol is not first or last character.
Kevin Smith   Kevin Smith, Europe
Oct 9, 2010
Thanks for the great function. I've revised it to permit the following additional characters: +/'

Wikipedia says:
Conversely, many websites make the mistake of checking email addresses too strictly, rejecting addresses containing perfectly valid characters like + or / signs.
Markus Hediger   Markus Hediger, Switzerland, Dietikon
Dec 18, 2010
Es hat alles super funktioniert. Vielen Dank für diese Hilfe!
Bee   Bee, Atlanta
Jan 15, 2011
Great function! But it should start with:

not IsEmpty ( text )
Let ( [

to prevent entry of an empty address
Michael Rhodes   Michael Rhodes, Rancho Cucamonga
Jan 15, 2011

Only if you do not want to allow Null values. However, usually you do. And if you don't the edit is pretty simple as you figured out.
Jamie Thompson, Computech IT Services Ltd.   Jamie Thompson, Computech IT Services Ltd., Plymouth, UK
Mar 10, 2011
Great function. However, the ampersand (&) is a valid character in an email address.
Jonathan Fletcher   Jonathan Fletcher, Fletcher Data Consulting
Jan 2, 2013
According to wikipedia, these characters are also legal in an email address:

There's even more at:

James David Ramsey   James David Ramsey, Columbus, OH
Feb 7, 2013
The function as defined is not a valid calculation. The '_email' reference in line 1 isn't defined until inside the let() statement which follows it.

Easiest Fix:
IsEmpty ( _email ) or
IsEmpty ( text ) or
James David Ramsey   James David Ramsey, Columbus, OH
Feb 7, 2013
And actually, the '_email' definition in the let statement is circular, so '_email' is never actually defined. Either change the incoming parameter to '_email' (which would also fix my earlier comment), or add ' _email = text;' early in the let statement.

My new version:

Created October 12, 2008
Updated January 1, 2012

Since top-level domains are constantly added, this function assumes top-level domain is legitimate and validates only the email format.
Returns True if parameter (_email) is correctly formatted.

By Michael Rhodes

IsEmpty ( text ) or // Comment out this line if you want to prohibit null values.
Let ( [
_email = text;
_alphanum = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" ;
_email = Trim ( _email ) ;
_posAt = Position ( _email ; "@" ; 1 ; 1 )
] ;
Filter ( _email ; _alphanum & "_-@.!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~" ) = _email // There are no invalid characters.
and PatternCount ( _email ; "@" ) = 1 // There is only one @ symbol.
and IsEmpty ( Filter ( Left ( _email ; 1 ) ; "@" ) ) // First and last character are alphanumeric.
and IsEmpty ( Filter ( Left ( _email ; 1 ) & Middle ( _email ; _posAt - 1 ; 3 ) & Right ( _email ; 1 ) ; "." ) )
and not Position ( _email ; ".." ; 1 ; 1 )
and Position ( _email ; "." ; _posAt + 2 ; 1 )
Arjen van der Ree   Arjen van der Ree, Amsterdam
Jun 11, 2014
I have to admit that I used James David Ramsey version of your function Michael.
Besides that I have to thank you for posting this here, saved me a lot of time !

With regards to both (Micheal and James)

Arjen van der Ree
Filemaker 13 Certified dude
tom   tom, ShiftPoint
May 11, 2015
Can you check the suffix against a list? For example an email with .com error
Jean-Luc Marechal   Jean-Luc Marechal, Dakar, Senegal
Mar 17, 2017
Thank you so much !

Michael Rhodes   Michael Rhodes, Colorado Springs, USA
Mar 17, 2017
_email is the name of the passed parameter. If you choose to name the parameter "text", then yes you will have to add _email = text in the let statement.
Florence Haseltine   Florence Haseltine, Alexandria VA
Dec 15, 2017
Thank you

Caught my mistakes
Carson Lind   Carson Lind, Eagle Optimizations, LLC
Feb 12, 2018
A warning that this function does not look for bad characters in the domain portion.

Example: test@a!!! returns true

My fix:

Created by Michael Rhodes 2008-10-12
Updated 2017-03-17

This function assumes top-level domain is legitimate and validates only the email format.
Returns 1 if parameter (_email) is correctly formatted.

IsEmpty ( _email ) or // Comment out this line if you want to prohibit null values.
Let ( [
_alphanum = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" ;
_email = Trim ( _email ) ;
_posAt = Position ( _email ; "@" ; 1 ; 1 );
_localpart = Left ( _email ; _posAt - 1 );
_domain = Middle ( _email ; _posAt + 1 ; 99999 )
] ;
Filter ( _localpart ; _alphanum & "!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~" ) = _localpart // There are no invalid characters in local part.
and Filter( _domain ; _alphanum & ".-" ) = _domain //There are no invalid characters in the domain.
and PatternCount ( _email ; "@" ) = 1 // There is only one @ symbol.
and Length ( Filter ( Left ( _email ; 1 ) & Middle ( _email ; _posAt - 1 ; 3 ) & Right ( _email ; 1 ) ; _alphaNum ) ) = 4 // First and last character are alphanumeric.
and not PatternCount ( _email ; ".." )
and Position ( _email ; "." ; _posAt + 2 ; 1 )
Christopher Augustin   Christopher Augustin, Palm Desert
Feb 14, 2018
Does not work. Every time I get errors. I have it set up in a field validation with everything accurate.
Carson Lind   Carson Lind, Eagle Optimizations, LLC
Feb 15, 2018
Missed the period in local part validation:

Created by Michael Rhodes 2008-10-12
Updated 2017-03-17

This function assumes top-level domain is legitimate and validates only the email format.
Returns 1 if parameter (_email) is correctly formatted.

IsEmpty ( _email ) or // Comment out this line if you want to prohibit null values.
Let ( [
_alphanum = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" ;
_email = Trim ( _email ) ;
_posAt = Position ( _email ; "@" ; 1 ; 1 );
_localpart = Left ( _email ; _posAt - 1 );
_domain = Middle ( _email ; _posAt + 1 ; 99999 )
] ;
Filter ( _localpart ; _alphanum & ".!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~" ) = _localpart // There are no invalid characters in local part.
and Filter( _domain ; _alphanum & ".-" ) = _domain //There are no invalid characters in the domain.
and PatternCount ( _email ; "@" ) = 1 // There is only one @ symbol.
and Length ( Filter ( Left ( _email ; 1 ) & Middle ( _email ; _posAt - 1 ; 3 ) & Right ( _email ; 1 ) ; _alphaNum ) ) = 4 // First and last character are alphanumeric.
and not PatternCount ( _email ; ".." )
and Position ( _email ; "." ; _posAt + 2 ; 1 )
Mariusz Klecha   Mariusz Klecha
Oct 4, 2018
Great function, thanks for sharing with us !

Did you think about the update it so it will check the length of the end address of the domain?

What I mean is, the function retursn 1 if the address is "name@domainname.c" , as it seems that there are no addresses with only one letter at the end "c". Should be at least two.

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