Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Fixed_DecimalDigits ( Num ; DecCount )

format a number to a predefined number of decimal digits - recursive

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Antonios M. Kesmetzis   Antonios M. Kesmetzis - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
Fixed_DecimalDigits ( 12,01 ; 4 )
Fixed_DecimalDigits ( 12,01345 ; 4 )

  Sample output:


  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

/* AnKe
Skopelos Island, Greece
March 2009

This function is recursive
It formats a number to a predefined number of decimal digits
It lDOES NOT round the number in case less decimal digits than those of the number are specified
It simply ignores digits beyond the specified number
i.e. Num = 1 and DecCount = 3 Result is 1,000
Num = 1,01235 and DecCount = 4 Result is 1,0123
It is therefore useful when one needs to add trailing zeroes to the decimal part of a number

Comma "," is used as decimal point; it can be changed to dot "."

It has been developed to send FileMaker data to a database that uses fixed length fields



abonino   abonino, Münchenbuchsee
Apr 7, 2010
work not with swiss-date-format "."
victor   victor
Nov 7, 2013
i need to set the number of decimal points in a field that is based on the value of another field in the same record. example: the number of decimal points in the field 'upper range' needs to be the number specified in the 'decimal places' field. i am using filemaker 10 pro advanced. thank you in advance!!

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