Brian Dunning's Error Code Reference

MySQL Error 1296

SQLSTATE: HY000 (ER_GET_ERRMSG) Got error %d '%s' from %s



Chandra   Chandra, infy
Oct 5, 2009
Actually this error throws the error string in the mysql in the format " Got error %d '%s' from %s".
Here %d can specifies the error code number that Mysql recieves from the engine(ndbcluster/innodb),first %s signifies the error messges string related to aforementioned code number and the second %d tells which database engine is sending the error to Mysql .Error 1296 signifies the error code number which is sent by Mysql.
Aman Gupta   Aman Gupta
Sep 29, 2009
This error in MySQL throws the error string as: Got error 241 'Invalid schema object version' from ndbcluster. So we should be aware while doing error handling.

Rerunning the query is the solution to this error.