Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Search Results

7 functions found:

1.   ConsecCount ( ItemList ; StartingItem )
  Average rating: 4.5
Howard Schlossberg, FM Professional Solutions
Counts how many consecutive years (or other numbers) are in a field from a particular starting point.
2.   FilteredPortalList ( fieldObjectName ; startingPortalRow )
  Average rating: 4.5
Howard Schlossberg, FM Professional Solutions
Returns a field from each row of a FILTERED portal, up to the first blank row
3.   GetFoundSet ( FieldName )
  Average rating: 4.6
Howard Schlossberg, FM Professional Solutions
Gets a field's value across either the current found set or related records
4.   isDaylightTime ( dt )
  Average rating: 4.3
Howard Schlossberg, FM Professional Solutions
Returns 1 or 0 to indicate whether the given date falls within U.S. daylight savings time (post-2007)
5.   SubstituteWildcardRange ( text ; searchString ; replaceString )
  Average rating: 2.9
Howard Schlossberg, FM Professional Solutions
Replace a wildcard expression with another wildcard expression.
6.   TimeAsText ( theTime )
  Average rating: 4.5
Howard Schlossberg, FM Professional Solutions
Converts time to a text format using a 12-hour clock.
7.   Title ( Text ; LeaveEmpty )
  Average rating: 3.9
Howard Schlossberg, FM Professional Solutions
This is similar to FileMaker's built-in Proper() function, but much more practical for the real world. It was created with the proper formatting of song titles in mind, but can also be applied to book or movie titles, headlines and more.

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