Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Search Results

9 functions found:

1.   xCleanChars33_some_126_mod (text)
  Average rating: 0.0
Nick Lightbody, Deskspace Systems Limited
An essential item to clean up pasted text being input into a web page creation App.
2.   xEms2pixels
  Average rating: 5.0
Nick Lightbody, Deskspace Systems Limited
Convert an Em type size to pixels
3.   xExtractBetweenDelimiters (text; delimiter)
  Average rating: 0.0
Nick Lightbody, Deskspace Systems Limited
a cf to extract text between delimiters used when passing codes / tags embedded in plain text for processing into html / css an essential part of the kit for the creation of web pages from markdown or similar input.
4.   xExtractBetweenParentheses(INPUT)
  Average rating: 4.9
Nick Lightbody, Deskspace Systems Limited
To extract a string, generally a URL, from between parentheses.
5.   xExtractHtmLContent (url, query, data, v-width, v_height, L_offset, T_offset, scalewidth, scaleheight)
  Average rating: 3.1
Nick Lightbody, Deskspace Systems Limited
Controls which part of a web page is displayed in the WebObject Viewer
6.   xPFilter
  Average rating: 0.0
Nick Lightbody, Deskspace Systems Limited
To give portal filtering on up to four words - in any order and to exclude records containing search words commencing - and to inc those commencing + and the OR search
7.   xShuffle ( string; control )
  Average rating: 4.4
Nick Lightbody, Deskspace Systems Limited
To shuffle a string
8.   xShuffle(INPUT;TIMES)
  Average rating: 4.1
Nick Lightbody, Deskspace Systems Limited
To shuffle a string
9.   xWOFormat (Text, Size, Font, Margin, Backg, Align, Colour, Weight)
  Average rating: 4.0
Nick Lightbody, Deskspace Systems Limited
Controls text format within a WebViewer Object

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