Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Search Results

5 functions found:

1.   convertDropboxURL ( theURL )
  Average rating: 4.5
Kenneth Durrum, Released Solutions
Converts dropbox shared link URLs into Filemaker friendly URL paths that can be inserted into container fields.
2.   GetLastPortalField(thefieldname)
  Average rating: 0.0
Kenneth Durrum, Released Solutions
Get the last field content of a related record
3.   GetNthRecordFiltered ( primary_fieldname ; controlvalue_fieldname, recordNumStart; recordNumEnd; filterValue )
  Average rating: 4.1
Kenneth Durrum, Released Solutions
This function enables you to select a set of related records of a single field based on a value of a second field that is filtered by a keyword.
4.   makefolder ( new_folder ; pathTo )
  Average rating: 4.0
Kenneth Durrum, Released Solutions
Use the perform applescript script step with this function to perform new folder creation with applescript..
5.   removeFirstAddPrefixSuffixToList ( theList ; prefix ; suffix )
  Average rating: 4.8
Kenneth Durrum, Released Solutions
Add a prefix and suffix to a list after removing the first word from the list

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