Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Search Results

7 functions found:

1.   DaylightSavingsBegins
  Average rating: 4.3
Yvonne Dutreaux, Cordblood Registry
Returns the timestamp of beginning of Daylight Savings Time
2.   DaylightSavingsEnds
  Average rating: 4.1
Yvonne Dutreaux, Cordblood Registry
Returns the timestamp of end of Daylight Savings Time
3.   DayofMonthbyWeek ( DayofWeekWanted_Sunday_1 ; WeekWantedasNum ; MonthasNum ; YearasNum )
  Average rating: 4.2
Yvonne Dutreaux, Cordblood Registry
Find the weekday of a given month by week, ie: the 3rd Wednesday of the Month
4.   Fedex_Country ( Country )
  Average rating: 4.1
Yvonne Dutreaux, Cordblood Registry
Converts country name into the two character country code used by FedEx
5.   GoogleMapsbyCoords ( Latitute ; Longitude ; Zoom ; WebViewerObjectName )
  Average rating: 4.3
Yvonne Dutreaux, Cordblood Registry
Shows embedded Google Map in a webviewer by Lat/Lon coordinates
6.   IsDaylightSavings ( TS )
  Average rating: 4.3
Yvonne Dutreaux, Cordblood Registry
Determines if a given timestamp is with Daylight Savings Time
7.   TimestampOffset ( Time_Stamp ; Weeks ; Days ; Hours ; Minutes ; Second ; Plus_Minus )
  Average rating: 4.1
Yvonne Dutreaux, Cordblood Registry
Allows Offset of a timestamp by multiple days or times

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