Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Search Results

5 functions found:

1.   APPLESCRIPT_CTI_Dialing_TipTel ( pPhoneNumberFieldname )
  Average rating: 4.5
Ralph Nusser, Sogetes FileMaker-Services
Dial phone number of TipTel phone connected by USB to Mac
2.   CTI_Dialer_Snom ( pPhoneIP ; pPhoneNumber ; pOutgoingIdentity )
  Average rating: 4.7
Ralph Nusser, Sogetes FileMaker-Services
Dial SNOM phone by URI
3.   _FM_ERROR_FMS_ErrorToEnglish ( ErrorNum )
  Average rating: 4.4
Ralph Nusser, Sogetes FileMaker-Services
FileMaker Server Event Log Messages
4.   _GEO_CH1903_WGS84 ( y ; x )
  Average rating: 3.7
Ralph Nusser, Sogetes FileMaker-Services
Convert Swiss coordinate data to normal WGS84 coordinates you find with GPS devices.
5.   _GEO_WGS84_CH1903 ( Lat1 ; Lng1 )
  Average rating: 4.2
Ralph Nusser, Sogetes FileMaker-Services
Converts GPS data from WGS84 to Swiss CH1903 coordinates

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