Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Search Results

5 functions found:

1.   ALoopingDemo ( AnyText )
  Average rating: 4.7
Doug Staubach
This demo shows how to create a conditional loop within a custom function (similar to Do-Loop; Do-While and For-Next).
2.   TextToDate ( AnyText )
  Average rating: 4.4
Doug Staubach
Converts any text into a fully-validated FM date (supports US, European and ISO formats)
3.   TextToValues ( FormattedText )
  Average rating: 4.4
Doug Staubach
Quickly converts a text string into a list of values (removing all delimiters) no recursion
4.   VLookup ( LookupTableAndFieldName ; MatchingValueOrList ; ReturnFieldNames )
  Average rating: 4.6
Doug Staubach
Works similar to the Excel VLookup function (but with some nice optional features): Searches in a specific field for a matching lookup value, and returns the value from a different field in the same record. -- This version of the function is case-sensitive, and does not allow 'nearby' matches, but it can handle multiple matching values, and it can return multiple fields. If no match is found, it returns an empty string ''. Can pull data from any table (even from non-related tables). - Tested with FileMaker Pro v13 thru v19. Last updated June 30, 2022
5.   VLookupClassic ( LookupValue ; SearchTableAndFieldName ; ReturnFieldName ; RangeLookup )
  Average rating: 4.9
Doug Staubach
Works EXACTLY like Excel's VLOOKUP function: Searches in a specific field for the first (close or exact) match, and returns the value from a different field in the same record. -- This function can find nearby matches or exact matches, is NOT case sensitive, returns only one value, and will return #N/A if no match is found. Can pull data from any table (even from non-related tables).

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