Text_Get_DelimitedValue ( _text ; _delimiter ; _occurence ; _default )
Extracts the nth value from a delimited text counting from the left or right end.
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Rewolfer - Show more from this author
http://rewolfer.de |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
FORM: Text_Get_DelimitedValue ( _text; _delimiter ; _occurence ; _default )
PURPOSE: extracts the nth value from a delimited text counting from the left or right end
PARAMETER: _text text not "" text
_delimiter text not "" delimiters like "|" or "
" etc
_occurrence number not 0 nth occurrence that is wanted; negative value counts from right
_default text "" default value to be returned if delimiter was not found or occurence was out of index
RESULT: text (or default-parameter)
NOTE: supports only ONE delimiter
EXAMPLE: Text_Get_DelimitedValue ("this|table|broke|down"; "|"; -2; "not found") --» "broke"
DEVELOPER: tsw @ http://rewolfer.de
Note: these functions are not guaranteed or supported by BrianDunning.com. Please contact the individual developer with any questions or problems.