Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

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10 functions found:

1.   convert_gps_gausskrueger2wgs84( coordinate ; error)
  Average rating: 4.2
Converts an Gauß-Krüger-coordinate (as used by O2) to an comma-seperated WGS84-coordinate
2.   convert_gps_gausskrueger2wgs84_sub (Latitude ; CartOutputXMeters ; CartOutputYMeters ; CartOutputZMeters)
  Average rating: 4.5
Recursive subclass to convert_gps_gausskrueger2wgs84 and cannot be used on ist own
3.   IsDate ( _var )
  Average rating: 4.8
return valid date as number of days since 0001-01-01 or nothing if invalid
4.   IsTime ( _var )
  Average rating: 4.8
return valid time as number of seconds or nothing if invalid
5.   IsTimestamp ( _var )
  Average rating: 4.7
return timestamp in number of seconds if valid or nothing if invalid
6.   Number_Value ( _var )
  Average rating: 4.6
return a valid number according to regional setting or nothing if invalid
7.   Text_Get_DelimitedValue ( _text; _delimiter ; _occurence ; _default )
  Average rating: 4.4
Extracts the nth value from a delimited text counting from the left or right end.
8.   Timestamp_Format_RFC822 ( _timestamp ; _timezone )
  Average rating: 4.6
Formats valid RFC2822-timestamps as FMP-timestamps or vice versa.
9.   time_format_ISO8601 (mytime ; empty_random_null)
  Average rating: 4.2
Returns a ISO-valid time from time or timestamp fields
10.   Time_ofDay ( _var )
  Average rating: 3.9
return number of seconds since midnight if valid or nothing if invalid

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