RelativePath ( sourcePath ; targetPath ; separator )
Returns the relative path from the source file to the target file.
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Michael Horak - Show more from this author
*COMMENT Visual Realisation |
"/Macintosh HD/Users/Documents/source.txt" ;
"/Macintosh HD/Users/Documents/target.txt" ;
"/" )
RelativePath (
"/Macintosh HD/Users/Documents/Origin/source.txt" ;
"/Macintosh HD/Users/Documents/target.txt" ;
"/" )
RelativePath (
"/Macintosh HD/Users/Documents/source.txt" ;
"/Macintosh HD/Users/Documents/Destination/target.txt" ;
"/" )
RelativePath (
"/Macintosh HD/Users/Documents/Origin/source.txt" ;
"/Macintosh HD/Users/Documents/Destination/target.txt" ;
"/" )
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Given two absolute paths, returns the relative path from the source file to the target file.
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